Healthy churches everywhere.

Multiply effective leaders

While every pastor fills what societies have clearly identified as a leadership role for their local church, not every pastor has access to actual leadership training. While pastors can experience effectiveness regardless of their personality or leadership style, leadership effectiveness stems from a few key areas:

  • Spirit Dependence and Passion (Spiritual Health)

  • Biblical Priorities and Actions (Ministry Health)

  • Relational Strength and Effectiveness (Relational Health)

  • Personal and Professional Development (Leadership Health)

  • Emotional Intelligence and Joy (Emotional Health)

Pursue new horizons

The World Assemblies of God Fellowship’s MM33 Initiative has a mission to reach one million AG churches worldwide by 2033. Reaching this goal will require thousands of new churches to be planted. Existing churches must become healthy and missionally focused in order to multiply, and the new churches must have a sustainable path toward health.

An effective church planting strategy must be accompanied by a robust church health effort.

Reaching new horizons requires

  • Great Commission Intentionality

  • Unrelenting Outward Focus

  • Spirit-directed Vision

  • Kingdom-focused Partnerships

  • Self-Sacrificing Commitment

Below are some guiding questions for measuring health:

  • Are churches baptizing new believers?

  • Are churches replicating and sending out ministry leaders?

  • Is there a net positive growth in the number of new churches as we move toward the goal of one million?

Revitalize the local church

A healthy church is a Spirit-empowered community of disciples following Jesus, fulfilling his mission.

Local church revitalization requires the Holy Spirit’s help and an accessible, biblically based framework for churches of all sizes, styles, and contexts. The Acts 2 Journey is an adaptable change process designed to clarify and align a church’s mission, vision, values, and strategic plan. The Acts 2 Journey equips pastors and their leadership teams to assess their current reality and answer key questions related to the church’s health and effectiveness:

  • .Why do we exist as a church?

  • Where are we going?

  • How should we behave?

  • How will we carry out the vision God has for our church?

On the Day of Pentecost, the Lord Jesus Christ poured out the Holy Spirit on His disciples, empowering them to be witnesses to Him to the ends of the earth. Acts 2, which reports that initial outpouring, is not merely an historical precedent for Christians today, but it is also a spiritual paradigm – a pattern of renewal and revival in every generation of the Church.

Acts 2 Model

This paradigm can be identified as the Acts 2 Model. In the Acts 2 Model, the church is a Spirit-empowered community of disciples following Jesus, fulfilling His mission. It is a healthy church that embodies five key traits:

1. Worship – pursuing and obeying God passionately

2. Connect (fellowship) – engaging and maintaining loving relationships

3. Go (evangelism) – reproducing and multiplying God’s mission in other people and places

4. Serve (gift-oriented ministry) – acting with clear direction and outward focus

5. Grow (discipleship) – developing and mobilizing its people

A healthy, Spirit-empowered Church is the hope of the world.

How strong is the Church?

How effective is it?

• Approximately 66% evangelical churches average less than 100 in attendance

• Approximately 80% evangelical churches average less than 200 in attendance

Smaller churches tend to focus more on nurture than mission.

If that is a prevailing thought, what can be done to assess, encourage and strengthen them? How can they become more outward focused and less inward focused?

The first- century church began with an encounter.

That encounter was the Day of Pentecost and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

They also had a powerful message. Peter’s message, anointed by the same Spirit that enabled 120 to speak in languages they didn’t know, enabled him to speak with a newfound power in a language he did know, and those who heard were so moved 3,000 were saved and baptized. If a church grew from 120 to 3,120 overnight, would that church be ready to assimilate and minister to the increase?

After the phenomenal growth occurred, the church was formed, and the Holy Spirit outlined the process of development, growth and ministry in Acts 2:42-47. From that passage, most Spirit-Empowered churches identify 5 functions the Acts 2 church engaged in: evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, ministry and worship. When those are active and in proper alignment, the church becomes vibrant, healthy and missional.